Even though some of the
ideas formally listed here may appear to be conventional,
the content of for instance,
panel discussions, should not
be an intellectual exchange
of ideas, but an examination
of facts and visions which
stir, excite and inspire parti-
cipants and audiences alike.
Similarly, a classical concert in the Temple of the Muses
will probably not be per-
formed according to the ac-
cepted standard of the past hundred years, and it will not be
performed primarily as a social event, to finance the project
or to provide entertain-
ment. Rather, it will be per-
formed primarily to move people’s hearts.
Exapmples of Possible Events of the 1. Main Function
Exapmples of Possible Events of the 2. Main Function
Exapmples of Possible Events of the 1. Main Function
An invited speech on bioenergetic therapy; theoretical introduction and
practical applications
Teach-in on Zen meditation
A round-table discussion on "The Development of the Earth Regarding
Peace Policy, Economics and Ecology from the Perspective of
Industrial Countries and
Poor Developing Countries". SWR radio correspondent
Wolfgang Röben interviews foreign ministry speakers and
representatives from various nations
A conference on "What Role Can (Artistic) Culture Play in Changing the
Earth Into a More Humane Planet?", organized by Greencross International
and the Temple of the Muses
Regularly occurring lecture series with varying guest teachers (perhaps on
a particular early evening of the week): "Introduction to and Practice of
Various Methods of Contemplation, Healing, Ecstasy and Stillness for a
Better Management of One’s Personal Daily Life, from the Tibetan Pudja
to Dancing the ’Our Father’ Prayer to Modern Autogenic Training to
Electronic Biofeedback"
Panel discussion (at the round table in the centre of the Temple Hall):
"What Kind of International Events, Organizations and Cooperation Do
We Need to Promote International Understanding Between Different
Lifestyles, Cultures and Religious Traditions?", hosted by Share International
and the Temple of the Muses
Regularly occurring series of open-scene events in which non-profit organisations
present themselves to the public and the media. Their work should
in some way serve the advancement of humanity and the Earth: by working
towards peace; meditatively, ecologically; by pursuing individual development;
by humanizing trade relations; protecting animals; therapeutically;
by contributing to intercultural understanding or promoting health;
humanly / humanely or religiously / spiritually; through conflict prevention
/ mediation; by helping... In short, to show the many ways in which so
many people volunteer their time to ease life on Earth, and possibly to
encourage other people to join their efforts
Mikhail Gorbachev presents his latest book, "My Manifesto for the Earth",
in the Temple of the Muses (advance ticket sales only!)
A conference of world religions and spiritual traditions on the question,
"What is the Least Common Denominator of All Spiritual World Views?
Could This Be Expanded Into a Common Global Basis?" Invited guests
include spiritual luminaries and leaders of all the great world religions and
diverse smaller religious groups; invited guests who are
unable to attend can participate in the conference via
satellite. The conference will be broadcasted live around
the world by Deutschlandfunk (German Radio)
The Temple Dome should be freely accessible during set
hours every day, inviting people, for instance, to regenerate
for short periods in its quietude, rather than burn more of
their day’s energy at cafeterias or fast-food restaurants
during their lunch break. It would also benefit people who work regular
hours in the city if the hall were open early in the morning (5:00 to 8:00)
and early in the evening (for instance as an alternative to after-work parties
or plunging into household tasks straight after work). In addition, the
Temple of the Muses will have a restaurant (the "tenth muse" being culinary
art and its attendant ambience) which will remain open all day. See also:
"The Building and Its Levels".
The events management department will make appropriate arrangements
to prevent noise disturbance due to preparations for events. The inherent
atmosphere (and acoustics) of the Temple Dome will encourage quiet and
respectful activities at all times anyway.
the Main Functions
The two main functions of the Temple do not necessarily
have to occur at separate times or in separate areas. On
the contrary, they should complement each other, even
to the point of melting together. I have in mind, for
example, conferences, conventions and seminars which
would be enriched and lightened relax by artistic performances
and participatory experiments; likewise, lectures
and interviews could give artistic events a more global
background. Or the most direct way of all: The artistic
presentation immediately leads its audience to have moving,
contemplative (that is to say: inner) experiences.
Other Areas
of Interest
Other events that fall into both categories should take
into account that both sexes and different generations
have different interests. However, all events should be
open to anyone who wants to be moved by them –
regardless of age, class, gender, race and culture.
Exapmples of Possible Events of the 2. Main Function
A classical music concert series
in the Temple Dome
"Theatre sports" (improvisational theatre, in which the audience is asked
questions whose answers determine the further course of the play); performance
in the subterranean amphitheatre
Open-air gospel night: "The Harlem Singers" on their "Power of Love" tour
Kirtan – holy songs (chants) and verses (mantras) from the Buddhist and
Hindu traditions, with musicians from north-east India, coastal Thailand
and Tibet
A circus-like show: "Water, Fire, Earth and Air" – A Festival of the Senses
Sufi dance performance by the "Dancing Dervishes of Afghanistan"
Readings of channelled texts and inspirational literature – accompanied by
the improvisational dance ensemble of the Temple of the Muses and a live,
manually conducted light show
Musical works, which represent a modern development of
the opera and musical genres, yet which may have their
roots in antique mystery plays, and which incorporate
various "muses"
An exhibition by three artists on the theme "Emotion as a
Motivation for Art – Art as Motivation for Emotion"; vernissage
with "DJane Goddess"
Projects that developed during the "Open Temple Stage" sessions which
could use a platform for public performance or exhibition
"Sound Experiments With 800 Voices", a participatory event with the
audience to experience the power of voices in a dome
"EcsDancy": Beats ranging from Central African drums to Steve Reich to
minimal techno: Dance the night away! With 3-D projections into the fogfilled
Tina Arena in concert at the Temple of the Muses. Afterwards: Holger
Ebeling interviews Australian pop-diva Tina Arena about her songs and
Reggae Night: "The Musical Roots of Rastafari" – "The Wailers" present the
heritage of Bob Marley
"An Evening of an Umpteen Gongs" – metallic sound variations of space:
Approximately twenty different gongs and bells, distributed throughout
the Temple Hall, will be played by four musicians, creating a new musical
Christian Bollmann’s "Overtone Choir" appears in the Temple of the Muses.
Music to quotations by Lao-tzu, Joachim Ernst Berendt, Pythagoras and
Hermann Hesse. Three concerts in a row (Thurs. / Fri. / Sat.). On Sunday,
Christian Bollmann, one of the founders of overtone singing in Germany,
will hold an all-day workshop on "An Introduction to Overtone Singing as
a Means of Self-fulfilment" for all who love to sing and would like to discover
more about their voices
Walt Disney Productions presents its classics on 3-D-Surround film in the
Temple Dome by means of a newly developed projection system: "The
Jungle Book – A Path to Becoming Human". The entire dome will be filled
with sound and moving pictures!
The "Making of" this historical film and its modern 3-D version will be
screened every evening of the week prior to this event
the Main Functions
The two main functions of the Temple do not necessarily
have to occur at separate times or in separate areas. On
the contrary, they should complement each other, even
to the point of melting together. I have in mind, for
example, conferences, conventions and seminars which
would be enriched and lightened relax by artistic performances
and participatory experiments; likewise, lectures
and interviews could give artistic events a more global
background. Or the most direct way of all: The artistic
presentation immediately leads its audience to have moving,
contemplative (that is to say: inner) experiences.
Other Areas
of Interest
Other events that fall into both categories should take
into account that both sexes and different generations
have different interests. However, all events should be
open to anyone who wants to be moved by them –
regardless of age, class, gender, race and culture.